• Kaltim 1
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  • Paser 1
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Friday, July 19, 2024 | 217 reads | 0 comments | 0 shares

Recruitment Admin Bidding PT. PLKK


PT. Pengelola Limbah Kutai Kartanegara (PLKK) was established in 2003 initially providing disposal services for Oil and Gas Industrial Waste and General Mining Industries. PT. Pengelola Limbah Kutai Kartanegara (PLKK) Main office is located in Balikpapan and over the years we expanded throughout east Kalimantan (Balikpapan, Muara Badak, Bontang, and Samboja). For further information please find our website: www.plkk.co.id, To support our development we are looking for several positions:



Admin Bidding

  • Pria/Wanita, usia max 35 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal D3 (IP diatas 3.00 lebih diutamakan)
  • Sertifikat Keterangan Sehat
  • Memiliki ketelitian yang kuat.
  • Menguasai Microsoft Office (Excel & Words) juga aplikasi Paint
  • Komunikasi internal dan eksternal yang baik
  • Dapat bekerja dengan cepat dan tepat
  • Dokumen Kontrol
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di Balikpapan






Dimohon kirim lamaran, CV Lengkap Ke :

Email: hr.recruitment@plkk.co.id & wijianto@jms.co.id

Wa: 0822-8466-3898

Alamat : PT. Pengelolah Limbah Kutai Kartanegara

Jl Jend Sudirman no 14-15 Balikpapan,

Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia 76114

  • Di iklankan: 2024-07-19 22:49:40 - Standar Waktu Asia Tenggara
  • Berakhir: 2024-08-02 23:59:59 - Standar Waktu Asia Tenggara
allow_url_fopen is ON
Daerah Sektor Nominal (Rp.)
KALTIM UMUM 2.981.378,72
BALIKPAPAN UMUM 3.069.315,66
BERAU UMUM 3.386.593,23
BONTANG UMUM 3.182.706,00
KUBAR UMUM 3.309.555,00
KUKAR UMUM 3.179.673,00
KUTIM UMUM 3.140.098,00
PASER UMUM 3.025.172,00
PPU UMUM 3.363.809,79
SAMARINDA UMUM 3.112.156,40