10 hari lalu | Sunday, March 02, 2025 | 51 reads | 0 comments | 0 shares
CV. SINATR UTAMA, kami perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang penjualan sepeda motor merk Yamaha di Kalimantan Timur membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi STAFF AKUNTANSI DAN PAJAKPenempatan di Samarinda Persyaratan : Laki-LakiUsia maksimal 35 tahunPendidikan minimal D3 AkuntansiBerpengalaman di bidang Akuntansi dan PerpajakanMenguasai Microsoft OfficeMampu bekerja dengan tim maupun individu Kirimkan CV anda sebelum 15 Maret 2025 melalui email ke :yunus.ysug@gmail.com
2 hari lalu | Monday, March 10, 2025 | 6 reads | 0 comments | 0 shares
Saat ini PT. Karunia Armada Indonesia sedang membuka peluang besar untuk berkarir pada posisi: Production Mining Section Head, Supervisor/ Group Leader Production Pit Service, Dewatering Section Head, Supervisor/ Group Leader Production Hauling & Road Maintenance Section Head, Supervisor/ Group Leader Plant Maintenance Section Head A2B, Wheel/ DT Section Head, Supervisor/ Group Leader Mechanic Senior A2B, Wheel/ DT Operator Big Digger 200T Up, Dozer & Trailer Double Vessel HSE...
2 hari lalu | Monday, March 10, 2025 | 1 reads | 0 comments | 0 shares
LOWONGAN KERJA Saat ini sedang mencari kandidat untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut TUNASJAYA HONDA MOTOR SENDAWAR ADMIN BEA BALIK NAMA (BBN)SYARAT & KETENTUAN Pria/Wanita usia maksimal 30 th. Pendidikan minimal D3/Sederajat Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik. Dapat mengopersikan Komputer, Ms. Office (Ms Exel & Ms Word) Mampu bekerja secara individu maupun tim. Penampilan rapi, cekatan, jujur dan bertanggung jawab. Domisili / Daerah setempat akan di utamakan. PENEMPATAN...
2 hari lalu | Monday, March 10, 2025 | 6 reads | 0 comments | 0 shares
PT. Dian Pandu Pratama sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi Operator LineboringPenempatan di Tanjung Tabalong, Kalimantan Selatan.Dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:Pendidikan min SMK/D3/S1 (Teknik Mesin, Industri, atau bidang yang relevan) WAJIB Memiliki sertifikat mesin produksi (bubut) Mengoperasikan alat/mesin Linerboring - Melakukan proses setting pahat linerboring - Melakukan proses pembubutan Melakukan grinding Melakukan proses sesuai SOP dan safety yang benar. Bersedia ditempatkan...
4 hari lalu | Saturday, March 08, 2025 | 39 reads | 0 comments | 0 shares
URGENTLY NEEDED Saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk bisa bergabung segera dengan posisi sebagai berikut: Production Dept. Head Engineering Dept. Head MPE Section Head HSE Dept Head Plant Engineer Purchasing Dept Head HCGS Section Head Kualifikasi: Usia maksimal 50 tahun Pengalaman minimal 8 tahun (01 - 02, 04 & 06) serta 5 tahun (03, 05 & 07) di posisi yang sama di perusahaan tambang Lebih diutamakan...
4 hari lalu | Saturday, March 08, 2025 | 35 reads | 0 comments | 0 shares
JOB OPPORTUNITY China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co., Ltd. are currently looking for: Process Engineer Requirements: Fluent in English. Bachelor's degree in Engineering. Experience in the Oil and Gas industry. Familiar with LOTO Procedures. Replacement: Lawe-Lawe, Penajam Paser Utara - East Kalimantan. Kindly send your CV & related certificates to: recruitment@cpp-int.com Put the subject email as "Process Engineer - Name" Note: CV and other certificates combined into 1 file. For...
4 hari lalu | Saturday, March 08, 2025 | 18 reads | 0 comments | 0 shares
Galva Group is hiring! We're looking for Account Manager (TOA) Balikpapan Qualifications: S1/D3 in any field Max age 35 1+ year experience in a similar role Strong communication & negotiation skills Analytical thinking for sales data Proficient in Microsoft Office (Excel & PowerPoint) Fluent in English (spoken & written) Ambitious, goal-driven, and eager for promotion Able to drive & have a valid SIM A or SIM C Job Responsibilities: ...
4 hari lalu | Saturday, March 08, 2025 | 20 reads | 0 comments | 0 shares
Kami dari PT FAP Agri Tbk yang memiliki luas lebih dari 90.000 Ha dan 7 PKS yang berlokasi di Kalimantan Utara dan Kalimantan Timur, saat ini kami membuka kesempatan untuk bergabung sebagai Mandor TanamanKualifikasi Umum: Pria, Usia 22-30 Tahun Pendidikan Minimal SMA sederajat Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani Bersedia ditempatkan di Lokasi Perkebunan Kelapa sawit Nunukan, Kalimantan Utara Belum Menikah Bagi anda yang berjiwa perantau Kami tunggu di Nunukan, Kalimantan Utara NB: Hati-hati terhadap penipuan, perekrutan...
4 hari lalu | Saturday, March 08, 2025 | 19 reads | 0 comments | 0 shares
We are looking for qualified individuals who are highly motivated, knowledgeable and skillful to join our 3 star property in Balikpapan as DIRECTOR OF SALES / ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF SALES FOOD & BEVERAGE MANAGER Qualifications: Two (2) year experience in the same position. Strong leadership. High Attention to details. Strong interpersonal and communication skills. English is a must (Written and Spoken). Love to work in a team with target oriented. Send your application...
4 hari lalu | Saturday, March 08, 2025 | 17 reads | 0 comments | 0 shares
SALES EXECUTIVE (SURABAYA, PEKANBARU, BALIKPAPAN, BONTANG, JAKARTA)Requirements: Minimum Diploma (D3)/ Bachelor Degree(S1) You have at least 5 years experience within a Business Development / Account Manager (B2B) role, (ideally within the Oil & Gas industry) Experience covering Industrial & Manufacturing, Mining & Resources, and Chemicals & Energy is strong plus Familiar with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) You possess excellent interpersonal as well as written and verbal communication skills Possess...
4 hari lalu | Saturday, March 08, 2025 | 19 reads | 0 comments | 0 shares
We are seeking vibrant, motivated, and inspiring leaders to join our dynamic team! If you are passionate about hospitality and eager to grow in a fast-paced environment, we would love to hear from you. Interested candidates are invited to email their updated resumes to Recruitment@Mercure-samarinda.com Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Feel free to share this exciting opportunity with your network! We look forward to hearing from you. MERCURE IBIS SAMARINDA, INDONESIA EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT MANAGER ABOUT THE ROLE Manage...
Daerah | Sektor | Nominal (Rp.) |
KALTIM | UMUM | 2.981.378,72 |
BALIKPAPAN | UMUM | 3.069.315,66 |
BERAU | UMUM | 3.386.593,23 |
BONTANG | UMUM | 3.182.706,00 |
KUBAR | UMUM | 3.309.555,00 |
KUKAR | UMUM | 3.179.673,00 |
KUTIM | UMUM | 3.140.098,00 |
PASER | UMUM | 3.025.172,00 |
PPU | UMUM | 3.363.809,79 |
SAMARINDA | UMUM | 3.112.156,40 |